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About Conference

We invite all the participants across the world to attend the International Conference on Clinical Pathology October 30-31, 2020 Dubai, UAE. The theme of the conference is to encourage young minds and their research abilities by providing an opportunity to meet the experts in the field of Pathology.

CLINICAL PATHOLOGY MEET 2020 anticipates hundreds of delegates including international keynote lectures and oral presentations by renowned speakers and poster presentations by students, Exhibitions and delegates all around the world which will craft a platform for global promotion and effective development in this field. It provides international networking and opportunities for collaborations with worldwide companies and industries Pathology Meetings. This global event will be an excellent opportunity for the Pathologists and other professionals. We are anticipating around 60+ speakers and over 400 delegates for this esteemed congress CLINICAL PATHOLOGY MEET 2020.

Target Audience:

CLINICAL PATHOLOGY MEET 2020 is expecting the participants from all over the world in various fields of pathology. This combination of audience will give an ideal blend to justify our theme “Pathology: From Evidence to Excellence” Pathology Meetings welcomes all the experts in this field to explore their research and views towards the theme of this congress.

  • Pathologists
  • Professors, Researchers, Students and Technical Staff from the field of pathology
  • Delegates from various industries
  • Directors/Co-Directors of Research based companies across Europe and US who are investing in Pathology
  • Healthcare Professionals


To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date October 30-31, 2020

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Supported By

Journal of Clinical & Experimental Pathology Journal of Plant Pathology & Microbiology JBR Journal of Clinical Diagnosis and Research

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by